Workshop Replay Available for a Limited Time










3 Steps to Organizing Your Business & Your Life with Evernote

Uncover the secret to eliminating physical, digital, and mental clutter so you can increase your productivity and profits.

In this workshop, you'll learn:
  • The power of an ONLINE system. The goal is not to be paperless, but to have LESS paper. Why? Because when you have an online system for your information, it makes things easy to find, edit, share, customize, duplicate, and automate! Online systems dramatically reduce clutter and increase efficiency. Aren't sure where to start? This workshop will get you up and running.
  • How to SET UP your system so it works for you. While Evernote is an amazing tool, the magic is in the systems you create. Imagine having a PLAN and a PLACE for everything. Imagine having a process for each part of your business.... from generating new leads to social media management to onboarding new team members. No matter what tools you use, systems are KEY to business growth and in this workshop, you'll learn how to get these systems in motion.
  • How to cure Digital Clutter. Wasn't technology supposed to make our lives easier? The reality is that most suffer from digital chaos and confusion daily. We can't seem to "keep up" with emails, messages, links, files, folders, passwords, photos, our calendar, to-do lists, applications, and more! In this workshop, I'll be sharing my top tips for being more organized online so you go from feeling paralyzed to unstoppable!

Why you need organized systems:

  • Disorganization is costly. It costs you time, money, and opportunities. Creating organized, online systems turns clutter and confusion into clarity, confidence, and calm.
  • Random actions produce random results. When you have organized systems, you act with intention and see results faster because you aren't just "throwing spaghetti on the wall" to see what sticks.
  • Your time is valuable. And the best way to maximize your time is to determine what systems and tools will get you to your goals. In this workshop, you'll gain clarity on your next steps.

Join our workshop to learn exactly how to do this for yourself.


I am so grateful for this time together. Thank you. The way you train is profound. I am so inspired. I was able to declutter several areas of my home and office. And it showed me that I can actually have a clutterless life! -Deagon W


This Workshop is a Must Attend if...

  • You know systems are important, but you don't know where to start
  • You no longer want to feel overwhelmed by physical, digital, or mental clutter
  • You want someone to help you fast-track (even if tech is not your thing)

If you are overwhelmed & frustrated with clutter and technology and looking for a teacher who has not only "been there" but has the skill to walk you into a more organized place... Lydia is your person! Her tips are true " sanity savers" and her teaching style is clear, comprehensive, and concise. Every time I work with her I walk away with so many lightbulbs and I save tons of time when I apply her tips. -Yvonne M

If we haven't met, I'm Lydia

Prior to 2013, I was...

πŸ“A home-based business owner & mom with a busy, messy life

πŸ“Drowning in piles of paper

πŸ“Overwhelmed and feeling inadequate for not being able to get her business organized

πŸ“Dreading tax time knowing it would involve going through hundreds of receipts (and filing for an extension year after year)

πŸ“ Feeling grateful and blessed, but also frantic and frazzled 99% of the time  

It all changed in 2013 when I was introduced to Evernote. For 6 months it was just another app on my desktop until I phoned a friend and she revealed its priceless value. It wasn't just another tool...

It was a digital fairy godmother that waved a wand over my clutter and granted my desire to be organized and clutter-free.

Fast forward to today and I've helped thousands of business owners create systems that generate leads, build relationships, and increase sales with tools like Evernote.